Collegiate Relations

The SWE Columbia River Section created the Collegiate Relations focus to support the current colleges and their schools’ SWE section and to promote graduation and continued involvement of SWE.  The Columbia River section is full of diverse, highly qualified women who happily volunteer their time to serve on collegiate panels, host scholarship workshops, and organize collegiate leadership training.  We aim to improve communication across the local SWE community, share events, and best practices, and create outstanding relationships.

Some of the local collegiate sections we support include:
– George Fox University
– Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT)
– Oregon Institute of Technology – Wilsonville (OIT – Wilsonville)
– Oregon State University (OSU)
– Portland State University (PSU)
– University of Portland (UP)

If you are a SWE member who would like to get connected with a local collegiate section or a member of a local collegiate chapter and would like to partner with us, please reach out!  We are always open to new ideas!  Contact us at:

Graduation Cord or Stole Order Form

Collegiate Relations Forms